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State, 985.04
Reporters on railroad tracks, 192.32
Sales and use tax, exempt, 77.54 (2m), (15)
nominations NOMINATIONS
nonprofit organizations NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS
Fund-raising sales by minors, 103.21, 103.23 (2), 103.64
Motor vehicles, volunteer rescue work, registration fees, 341.26 (2) (m)
Natural resources department grants and assistance to nonprofit conservation organizations, 23.0955, 23.096
Property, tax exemptions, property held for public interest, 70.11 (20)
Unemployment insurance, benefits for employees, 108.151
Unincorporated nonprofit associations law:
Applicable law, general principals of law and equity, 184.02
Definitions, 184.01
Legal actions:
Capacity and standing to sue and be sued, 184.07
Claims against, not abated by change in membership or officers, 184.11
Judgment, 184.08
Service of process:
Agent for, 184.10
Proper parties for, 184.13
Venue, 184.12
Liability, contract and tort, 184.06
Property, real and personal, 184.04
Inactive association, disposition of personal property, 184.09
Transfers by association, authority, 184.05
Transfers to association by fiduciary, 184.15
Territorial application, 184.03
Uniform application of law, 184.14
nonstock corporations NONSTOCK CORPORATIONS
nonsuit NONSUIT
Involuntary, abolished, 805.14 (2)
nonsupport NONSUPPORT
not guilty plea NOT GUILTY PLEA
notary public NOTARY PUBLIC
Generally, Ch. 140
Attestation, 140.02 (4)
Authority to perform, 140.04
Refuse to perform, 140.08
Bank, permitted acknowledgments, 220.18
Certificate, 140.15
Short form, 140.16
Corporation, permitted acknowledgments, 220.18
Electronic signature, relation to global and national commerce act, 140.31
Joint tenancies, certification of application for administrative termination, 867.045 (2)
Marital property law, unilateral statement, 766.59
Notarial acts performed:
Foreign acts, 140.14
In another state, 140.11
In this state, 140.10
Under authority of federally recognized Indian tribe, 140.12
Under federal authority, 140.13
Notarial acts, revised uniform law, Ch. 140
Notaries, 140.02
Database of, 140.24
Oaths and affidavits, 887.01
Official stamp, 140.17
Stamping device, 140.18
Remotely located individual:
Acts performed for, 140.145
Estate planning, 140.147
Notification, 140.20 (2)
Electronic records, 140.20
Requirements, 140.05
Identification of individual, 140.07
Personal appearance, 140.06
Signature if individual is unable to sign, 140.09
State departments may have, 20.919
Title of act, 140.34
Transportation department employees, 84.01 (19)
Uniformity of application and construction, 140.30
Validity of notarial acts, 140.26
notice NOTICE
For provisions related to notice requirements in specific actions or circumstances, refer to subject heads and entries relating to the specific action or circumstance.
noxious weeds NOXIOUS WEEDS
See Weeds
nuclear power plants NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS
nuclear radiation NUCLEAR RADIATION
See Radiation
nuisances NUISANCES
Generally, Ch. 823
Agricultural use or practice actions, 823.08
Airport approaches, encroachments, 114.135
Appeals to supreme court, stay, 5 days, 823.02